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Posts Wednesday, November 2nd
It’s T-22 days ’til THE day.
You’ve ordered your turkey, right? Find one here if you haven’t already secured the bird.
We’ve got all the calculations to ensure you’re cooking enough for your crowd but not enough to feed a small army. It’s a fine balance sometimes.
Grocery math – Though turkey is the headliner, there are other dishes to consider. Here’s some easy math for the most common sides:
Mashed potatoes: This is a controversial one. That said, 1.5 large russets per guest should leave you with some leftovers, but not enough for everyone to have seconds on potatoes. Do with that what you will. 😉
Green beans: If we’re talking steamed or sautéed, plan on ¼ lb per guest.
Cranberries: 2.5 ounces of fresh or frozen cranberries will set you up for a generous single serving for each guest.
Pie: Plan on two slices per person. Most recipes call for a 9-inch pie dish, which can yield 8-10 slices. Note we didn’t specify what type of pie – you do you.
Wine/Beer: You know your crowd better than us, and there’s also the designated driver & overall dinner duration to consider. For dinner, a half bottle of wine or two beers per adult should suffice. Add an additional glass if you do a long interval of appetizers or football-on-the-couch time.
Add an additional glass just for you if you’re the kind of person who must have a clean kitchen before bed, to be savored when the dishwasher is started & the counters have been wiped clean.
Non-alcoholic beverages: Keep your friends friendly (but not TOO friendly) by offering plenty of NA options. Bubbly water is more fun than filtered from the sink, and is easy to serve a group. Maybe some fancy flavored waters or sodas too? Be a hydration hero and chill four servings per guest.
Before you start writing an indignant reply to us, please note that we know there are MANY crucial dishes left off this list, due to family variations and recipes. We’ll let you trust your tried-and-true recipes for all those other wouldn’t-be-thanksgiving-without-em dishes. We didn’t forget the stuffing or the sweet potato casserole, promise.
Throw it on Instagram and tag @diestelfamilyranch. We’d love to see what you’ve got.