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Posts Wednesday, April 21st
Have you heard of the “Mother Gaia”? I hadn’t until my daughter came home singing a springtime song of gratitude: ”Give thanks to the Mother Gaia. Give thanks to the Father Sun. Give thanks to the beautiful garden where the mother and the father are one.” It made me think: When was the last time I gave thanks to Mother Earth? (And why don’t we do it more often?)
At Diestel, we talk about regenerative and sustainable practices, and we strive to reduce waste and instill these values in our team and customers. But honestly, when was the last time we expressed tremendous gratitude for our “Mother Gaia,” the goddess who in ancient traditions was revered as the soul of our earth, a force of maternal power the land is literally born?
In honor of our Mother Gaia, we are going to express our gratitude in a few ways:
If you’re local to our beautiful county (Tuolumne, Stanislaus or Calaveras), give us a jingle; we’re going to donate a total of 12 yards of our compost to 2 lucky school or nursery gardens (each organization will receive roughly 6 yards) to help more kids learn the beauty of growing food—and to foster that tremendously important relationship with mother earth. On the heels of this past year, we thought it’d be a great way to kick those school gardens back into high gear. All you need to do is send in a picture of your school garden plot and a message from your students, explaining why you all love Mother Earth. Please send in your submissions to: [email protected].
Fine Print: Open the flood gates because you have until April 29th to send in your submission. Winners will be announced May 7th and the notes & images sent in your submission will be posted on our social channels. Schools must be located in Tuolumne, Stanislaus or Calaveras County and you must have a valid tax-ID.
We get it, not everyone operates a commercial composting operation or even has a backyard to compost themselves (or even the desire to). However there are some great ways to get active in the composting arena:
Follow some folks on social who will expand your knowledge of the regenerative movement, who love Mother Earth, and who want to work with her.
With that… I’m super pumped for Earth Day, loving up on that Mother Earth and singing her blessings. We’re excited for you to join us!
Throw it on Instagram and tag @diestelfamilyranch. We’d love to see what you’ve got.