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Posts Wednesday, July 1st
When I think about some of the problems the world is facing right now, things can take a turn for the discouraging pretty quickly. How can one family business—or even just one family—have an impact?
One of the best ways is by voting with the choices we make every day—with our food dollars.
We believe in rebuilding our soil, ecological stability, and regenerative agriculture practices. It’s what our Grandpa Jack believed in, and he taught us to believe it too. If he could make that kind of lasting impression, I think each of us can.
You see manure. Jason Diestel sees the future.
Our tool arsenal doesn’t stop with what we think and teach. It continues with how we vote—with our dollars.
Every dollar we spend for something we believe in, and the values that went into making it, is a vote for more of those kinds of products, practices, and values. The same goes for dollars we don’t give to practices and products we simply can’t stand behind.
(Does this extended voting metaphor mean that the write-in box for your dollars is the “notes about your order” section of any ecommerce transaction? Let us know during your next order.)
Every cent we spend sends a message loud and clear to brands and businesses across America:
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Individuals have power and their voices can be heard—even if it’s your Washingtons doing the talking.
Each of us has the power to steer this country towards becoming a better place. Making those moves to create the kind of world you want to live in is at the core of being American. We’re talking sustainable farming practices, clean and nutritious foods, purple mountain majesty and amber waves of grain to feed to our turkeys… or is that last bit just us?
We hope that as you celebrate America this July, and reflect on how to make it a better, more inviting place, you’ll support people and businesses who model the world you want to make.
And we’re proud to be on your list.
Happy Independence Day,
The Diestel Family // Heidi Diestel
p.s. You know that legend about Benjamin Franklin wanting the National Bird to be a turkey? We’d love for turkeys to be celebrated all across America, but in a way we’re kind of glad that didn’t pan out. Eating turkey would be illegal, and the Diestel Family Bald Eagle Ranch just doesn’t have the same ring to it.