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aurelia garden 1

Slow Down, Tiger!

Posts Friday, June 19th

You’ve probably heard the words “unprecedented times” more than your own name in the past few months (and almost as many times as the words “Tiger King”), so we’ll spare you one more.

But there’s no question that COVID-19 has changed our lives in a way that most of us have probably never experienced—and probably never would’ve expected.

For some people, the past few months have offered a chance to slow down, giving them more time to pick up a new hobby, learn some new skill, or simply spend a little more time lounging around the house. For others, life has kicked into overdrive—especially for parents who’ve found themselves working from home with unusually young coworkers who look an awful lot like them and can’t do anything themselves. (Oh, wait—those are kids. That’s my mistake.)

For the Diestel family, it’s been the latter.

If it wasn’t for the calendar (and for that scorching summer sun), you’d be hard pressed to convince us it’s not Thanksgiving all over again. We’re as busy around the farm today as we might be in late October—only now we’ve got kids home from school and daycare, too.

It’s chaos (and we’re immensely grateful for it).

It’s hard to believe that for prairie homesteaders, this kind of home-bound life was the norm. Just a hundred years ago, this was life as usual, which isn’t so long when you think about it—even if the past few months have felt like ages since our own “life as usual.”

In these unprece—NO! 

Whew! That was a close one…

With everything that’s been going on—in the world and around the farm—we’ve been taking every chance we get, no matter how small, to enjoy the few moments of peace in the middle of all this chaos, even if it’s the short walk to the chicken coop to collect eggs for breakfast.

We’ll take what we can get.

Last month we started a small vegetable garden with our three-year-old daughter (as one does when you’ve got a toddler you love dearly, but who’s driving you nuts). She’s loved waking up each day and running out to see whether any of her seeds have sprouted, whether anything has changed. We’ve loved watching her, too.

Will her garden be successful? Probably not, but that’s not really the point, is it?

Even if only for a few seconds in between one activity and the next (or even one question and the next), she’s learning to stop and marvel at the beauty of every little thing that surrounds her—even if just for a moment before jumping back into chaos.

All of that to say, in a weird, roundabout way: Find time to slow down, tiger. Even when you can’t.


Heidi Diestel